recycling baler

Almost all kinds of production and manufacturing industries produce waste in one form or another. Waste material can also be found easily in other sectors including retail, distributorship, and even the office environment. Both balers and compactors can help your business manage waste better in a cost-effective and hassle-free way.

The compactors and the balers reduce the volume of the waste material so that it can be packed, shipped, and transported easily. These machines include a ram/platen that is pressed against the waste material so that its volume reduces. Machines like balers not only reduce the volume and size of the waste but also reduce the threat of vermin and fire among other hazards. However, do remember that the materials need to be sorted before they are put into the machines.


Difference Between the Balers and the Compactors

While the balers and the compactors may both handle waste by reducing its volume, they work for distinct kinds of waste materials. The compactor reduces the size of the trash and lowers its volume by application of pressure. However, the balers can better manage the waste recyclable material that has been packed by twine or wire.

Know More About the Balers

A baler can bale, bundle, and compress a wide variety of recyclable materials. These materials can include:

  • Plastics.
  • Paper.
  • Cardboards.
  • Shrink wrap.
  • Non-ferrous materials and metals.
  • Foam.
  • Textile.
  • Carpets.
  • Others.

A recycling baler will compress the materials so that they assume a much smaller size and can be transported by using the least space. You can customize the size of these waste packets from 24 inches to 72 inches, or any other following your requirements. The packed and dense bales can be easily shipped to a recycling company for further processing of the waste to manufacture new products.

There are specialized balers available as well for specific tasks. For instance, a baler can drain, perforate, condense, and pack products that have been packed in plastic, aluminum, or even the tetra pak container. Balers can also handle out-of-specification liquids. Therefore, you can buy and utilize a specialized baler for disposing of products like water, soda pop, energy drinks, and other liquids. The horizontal balers can be combined with the automatic feeder systems (the trippers or the conveyor belts). They can be handled and used manually as well.


Types of Balers

There are different kinds of balers available (based on the mechanical aspects).

Vertical Baler:

The baler can be handled by a single employee and staff and can swiftly handle small or medium waste amounts.

Semi-Automatic Horizontal Balers:

These balers work at a fast speed and can handle a large amount of waste. Companies that produce large amounts of waste every day can use semi-automatic horizontal balers for disposing of recyclable waste.

Fully Automatic Horizontal Balers:

These balers are auto-tie balers and can handle huge amount of waste. Because of auto-tie system, they have high productivity of up to 15ton/hour for OCC. Large-scale businesses with requirement of high productivity can choose this type of baler.

Stockroom Balers:

These compact balers require the least space for operation and are a suitable choice for retail businesses.


Know More About the Compactors

A compactor can apply pressure to a large amount of waste to reduce its size. Once the waste material is condensed, it can be packed and moved away by a waste moving and hauling company. A compactor can also handle dry and wet waste and can be combined with a conveyor belt and feeding system.

Benefits of Balers

Balers provide more advantages and are also more specialized. Here are some reasons why you would prefer a baler for your business and industry.

  • It can handle a much wider variety of materials and waste.
  • It works at a faster speed and takes less time during waste handling.
  • It occupies much lesser space and can process and condense the waste in tighter spaces as well. You can improve your recycling rates much greater if you choose a recycling baler. It can be especially useful for your business and industry if it produces a lot of recyclable waste.



You should be choosing a baler in many different scenarios, especially when you want to handle a large amount of recycling waste in the least amount of time. We have a wide variety of balers and other waste-handling machines available at affordable costs. Reach out to us now for free advice and consultation on the suitability of the waste handling machine for your business and/or a free price quote.

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Our skilled professional team is waiting to help you with your unneeded waste materials and propose to you our recycling solutions. We also back up these proposals with our able technical support to make your recycling efforts earn more money by being more efficient.

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