What is Municipal Solid Waste?

Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) refers to the non-hazardous refuse items generated in the daily life of urban residents. Typical municipal waste includes product packaging, plastics waste, rubber, appliances, paper, clothing, construction waste. They mainly come from households, public institutions and commercial businesses.

Why Recycle Municipal Solid Waste?

MSW recycling is the process of recovering useful materials from the trash to make new products, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and conserve natural resources. In return, recycling has many positive benefits. Below are some of them.

1. Reduce environmental pollution. Recycling MSW reduces the amount of waste in the environment. Since reusing materials that would have otherwise been thrown away into dumpsites takes up space, this helps in reducing the number of landfills and doesn't leave any negative impact on the environment.

2. Provides a local resource for manufacturing companies. As mentioned above, recycling is a process of reusing waste materials either to manufacture new products or to produce electricity from non-electric waste materials that are not suited for recycling. It provides a large source for manufacturing industries, which are in need of small and medium sized companies that generate a lot of waste. Most manufacturers use their waste to produce new products, reducing the needs of virgin raw materials.

3. Reduce air and water pollution. Waste collected from homes such as plastics and paper that can be recycled is taken to a recycling plant. The waste is sorted at the plant and the non-recyclable waste is incinerated, which results in the emission of a lot of carcinogenic fumes into the environment. Some of these fumes cause cancer and respiratory problems among others.

4. Reduce disposal cost. The cost to dispose MSW to landfills is not low. Recycle MSW can reduce the amount of waste goes to landfill. The disposal cost will be reduced and also generate a revenue steam through proper compressing and baling of the waste.

What is Makabale's Baling Solution?

Baling MSW, transform the various wastes into consistent rectangular dense bales for transport or to prepare for further downstream processing is a key step in the MSW processing and recycling.

Makabale is a known manufacturer of a variety of MSW balers which have different sizes to meet different kinds of baling demands. With the long-lasting Makabale waste balers, you can:

  • Save valuable storage space as the waste size is reduced
  • Easier to store and stack owing to its regular shape
  • Easier to ship
  • Save labor and save time
  • Save storage costs and transportation cost
  • Create a safe and neat working area for staff
  • Increase revenue

Get to know which is the best baler perfect for your organization's operations. Usually, it depends on the volume of the wastes that need to be baled, the final estimated bale weight or bale size, and the hourly or daily output that you need. Your space for the baler installation and operation also needs to be considered.

Recommended Vertical Balers for MSW

If you have limited operating space or you only need a small volume or a mid-sized volume, our regular vertical balers would be perfect for these tasks.

Select from the mini baler series which is perfect for small scale recycling. They are very practical and can be adapted to most facilities and working areas. The bale output is small and easily managed.

If you need mid-sized baling volume or mill sized bales, our mill size balers or vertical two ram balers would be your good choice.



  • Bales multiple materials (cardboard, soft plastic, textile, marine garbage, etc.)
  • Bale size (L): 650 to 750mm
  • Bale wt.: 20 to 100kg (OCC)
  • 4 different models and sizes



  • Bales multiple materials, but primarily for OCC, paper, and soft plastic
  • Bale size (L): 800 to 1520mm
  • Bale wt.: 60 to 450kg (OCC)
  • 5 different models and sizes



  • Bales multiple materials, but primarily for rigid plastic, extruded aluminum, plant fiber
  • Bale size (L): 1100 to 1520mm
  • Bale wt.: 120 to 400kg (coir)
  • 7 different models and sizes

Recommended Horizontal Balers for MSW

If it is a large volume of MSW, we suggest Open End Auto-tie Horizontal Baler for this purpose. It is a fully automatic baler which can be connected with a conveyor system for automatic feeding. It improves your efficiency and throughput. It is available with 7 standard models with different capacity.



  • Bales multiple materials (cardboard, paper, soft plastic, etc.)
  • Bale size: L x 20” x 20” to L x 43” x 43”
  • Bale wt.: 88lbs to 2640lbs (OCC)
  • 7 different models and sizes

MSW Baler / Solid Waste Baler Frequently Asked Questions

What is a Solid Waste Baler?

A waste baler is generally a hydraulic machine used to compact waste into blocks, reducing waste volume and change it to uniform shape that is easy and cost-saving for shipping and handling.

What Material Can I Bale in the Solid Waste Baler?

Our solid waste baler can bale both recyclable materials and trash. Whether Recyclables such as cardboard, paper, plastics, and aluminum that goes to recycling plants or trash that goes to landfill/balefill, they can all be compacted and baled into dense blocks.

The compacted blocks can reduce the volume that need to be handled and transported; reduce the number of times to be hauled; reduce the landfill/balefill space used for trash; and reduce your disposal costs and operation costs.

What Kind of Facilities or Businesses Need a Solid Waste Baler?

The places where continuously generate plenty of waste materials and recyclables can make use of a solid waste baler, for example:

  • The communities that need waste management
  • Manufacturing plants that generate a lot of cuttings and by-products (eg. box factories, textile factories)
  • Distribution centers and logistics centers
  • Recycling plants
  • Retail industries