Plastic bottle baler

At recycling facilities, plastic bottles have traditionally been the most common kind of trash. PET is one of the few polymers used to manufacture beverage bottles that can be continuously recycled. This enables package solutions that are "cradle to cradle" and neatly closes the recycling loop. How these plastic bottles are recycled and what happens to them after recycling must intrigue many people. What can a PET bottle be recycled into? What is a plastic bottle baler? Let's have a look today.


How Are PET Bottles Recycled?

PET, also known as polyethylene terephthalate, makes up the majority of the bottle's body. Because it is flexible, durable, airtight, easy to form, acid and alkali resistant, PET plastic is a superb material choice for bottles.

It is more clear and lighter in weight when compared to the packaging used for regular glass bottles. These plastic bottles are significantly simpler to recycle and reuse than other types of waste material, and they do so rather frequently. Because they are often clear and colorless, PET bottles are straightforward to distinguish from other trash. It is a kind of thermoplastic that is simple to remold.

The collected PET bottles are firstly squashed into bales by a plastic bottle baler, making storage and transportation easier. After that, shredding machines will shred the compressed bottles into flakes. Then the soil, labels, and other debris that are adhered to the surface of these flakes are wiped off. Then based on the density differences, the bottle body and the cap are separated because they are made of different plastic.

After the procedures of cleaning and screening, the PET plastic fragments are heated and melted to create little plastic particles. Then, new plastic goods may be created using these granular plastics as basic materials. Of course, recycled PET plastic can sometimes be broken down into single molecules and then re-polymerized.


What Can a PET Bottle Be Recycled into?

New packaging, plastic film, synthetic fibers, textiles, and clothing may all be created from recycled PET plastic. It may sound incredible that recycled plastic bottles may one day be used to make garments, but the textile industry has a very wide range of applications for them, just as for fibroblasts PET, which is known as polyester fibers or polyester. If you hear these two names, you will immediately recognize them because they are frequently found on the labels of the apparel you wear.

In the past, because the cleaning procedures were subpar, PET bottles recycled using conventional techniques were not used to manufacture beverage bottles or other food-contact containers. There was no assurance that all toxins contained deep inside the plastic would be eliminated.

With the advancement of waste recycling technology, recycled PET plastic has been able to fulfill the cleanliness requirements for the manufacturing of food packaging through deep cleaning under conditions of high temperature and vacuum. Today, it is possible to close the recycling loop by making new bottles out of used ones.


What is a Plastic Bottle Baler?

A plastic bottle baler is a volume reduction equipment used to squash scrap plastic bottles into dense cubic bales. These compressed bales are easier and cost-efficient for transport and handling.


Types of Plastic Bottle Baler

The plastic bottle baler usually falls into two types: vertical bottle baler and horizontal bottle baler.

Vertical bottle baler is one type of downstroke baler designed for baling plastic bottles. Compared with the horizontal type, it has a small footprint, making it adaptable to installation in most locations, including supermarkets, retail stores, hotels, schools, restaurants, grocery stores, and hospitals, and usually favored by small-scale recycling programs. With a vertical plastic bottle baler, you need to manually throw bottles into the machine’s feed aperture, then by operating the buttons on the control panel, the baler will do the baling cycles automatically. After a bale is ready, you need hand tie off the bale.

Horizontal bottle baler compacts the bottles in a horizontal fashion, and it is large in size. This baler type can be configured with auto-feed conveyor to save labor and improve working efficiency, so it is usually preferred by high-capacity recycling businesses like recycling plants and material recovery facilities.

We are your top choice when you are in the market for PET bottle balers, whether horizontal or vertical, we have full sizes. Contact us today and you will be surprised with the possibilities that are opened through your own bottle baler!

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