recycling baler

We all know that landfills are the most common way to dispose solid waste. According to statistics, there are likely to be hundreds of thousands of landfills in the world, and with the growth of world population, the waste sent to landfills is still increasing.

But landfills can cause a lot of bad effects to people’s health and environment. For example, generation of leachate; groundwater pollution; emission of greenhouse gases; teeming with toxic microbes, and so on. Landfills can take up to 500 years to decompose, so it is very important for individuals, businesses and governments to reduce, reuse, and recycle to minimize waste being sent to landfills. There are ways to reduce the amount of waste that goes into them.


Ways to Reduce Waste Sent to Landfills

1. The simplest way is to reduce the amount of waste that generated in the first place. Try to avoid over-packaging products and using disposable products and environmentally unfriendly bags, instead, to use durable, reusable and recyclable packaging products.

2. Recycle. Recycling can greatly reduce the waste goes to landfills. Start from every individual and business, recycle all the recyclable waste materials such as cardboard, plastic bottles and aluminum cans, that generated at home, companies, or organizations. Recycling should be a priority, as it reduces the amount of waste that needs to be disposed of and helps conserve resources. Some materials like aluminum, steel and glass can be recycled infinite times which are very valuable materials.

3. Composting. Composting helps break down organic material and turn it into a valuable soil amendment. It is an easy and effective way to reduce the organic waste sent to landfills.

4. Waste reduction and recycling programs. For example, businesses can offer take-back programs for products that can be reused or recycled. Arrange second-hand clothes collection bins in communities. Governments can implement policies such as waste bans, extended producer responsibility programs, landfill taxes, and incentives for businesses to reduce their waste.

5. Donate unwanted items to charities and thrift stores. This not only prevent the items from ending up in landfills and also help those in need. Also, many cities have hazardous waste collection days. People can safely dispose of hazardous materials such as paint and chemicals.

There are many ways to reduce the waste sent to landfills. The above are just some of them. It is very important to preserve our environment and reduce our dependence on landfills.


How Can Recycling Balers Help in Reducing Waste in Landfills?

Recycling balers are hydraulic recycling machines which are used to compress waste materials such as paper, cardboard/OCC, plastic, and metal into tightly packed and uniformly sized cubic bales. These bales are then transported to a recycling plant for processing. A recycling baling machine help reduce waste in landfills by making it easier to transport waste materials from the source to a recycling facility.


Materials that enter a landfill usually are not sorted. They are just simply dumped into the landfill in bulk. This makes it difficult to manage the waste, and to sort and transport it for recycling. Using recycling balers to compress and bale the materials helps make the waste more manageable and easier to transport. The materials are collected from the source, placed into the baler, and then tightly compressed into bales. For recyclable waste, this makes it easier to move and transport to recycling facilities. For non-recyclable waste, not only save on handling and transporting, but also reduce the space needed in landfills.

Using a recycling baler to compact and bale the waste materials can also encourage people to recycle more. Because when people see their waste is being compressed into bales and the benefits it brings, they are more likely to separate their waste into recyclable and non-recyclable materials. The recyclables can then be sent to recycling facilities, while the non-recyclables are sent to the landfill.

The tightly compressed and baled recyclable materials become valuable commodities. They would have been shipped to landfills, but now they are sorted and made into bales and are sent to different manufacturers for processing into new products. Meanwhile, by selling the compressed bales, recyclers can get additional revenue.


Makabale is a reliable manufacturer of waste recycling machines. If you are looking for a recycling baler / waste baler to help your recycling business, contact us today to find the right baler for you.

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