Do you deal with cardboard waste every day? Would you like to make money from your cardboard waste? If yes, you are in the right place. You can recycle cardboard, serve the environment, and make money from your effort. Yes, we produce cardboard baler for cardboard waste and make recycling easy and profitable. Many businesses use recycling balers to compress the material and recycle it. You can go through the following to understand the cardboard recycling process.


Types of Cardboard

Cardboard uses quality but recyclable material. Also, you will have two forms of cardboard:  paperboard and corrugated cardboard. Both are the best packaging materials. Even if both use quality paper, the making process is different. The corrugated option has flat and multiple corrugated layers of paper. The construction makes it sturdy, thick, and durable, but perfect for solid packaging.

The paperboard uses recycled cardboard but is thicker compared with paper. It has different grades and strengths and is frequently to make packaging for food, cosmetics, medical products, and hardware. However, both types are sturdy and can withstand pressure during transportation. You can recycle both types of cardboard. However, it is not possible to recycle cardboard several times since the fibers will get shorter during the recycling process, and the manufacturers add new wood fibers to the pulp during recycling to maintain the sturdiness of the produced product.


What Kind of Cardboard Can Be Recycled?

You can recycle most cardboard, including plates, tubes, paperboard, boxes, and fiberboard. Even if all these types are recyclable, we cannot recycle them when contaminated with oil and grease.


What Kind of Cardboard Can Not Be Recycled?

We cannot recycle coated and waxed cardboard. Also, wet cardboards are not recyclable. The wetness will cause clogging in the sorting machine during the recycling process and cause complications.

The Process of Recycling Cardboard

First, the waste collectors collect the cardboard waste and send it to the paper recycling plant. The recycling plant will sort the different cardboards and use cardboard baling machines to compact them into dense bales based on classifications. After that, the recycling plant will sell these baled cardboard/OCC to paper mills.

In paper mills, it is pulping process which mainly includes shredding, filtering, deinking, and rinsing. Then pressing and rolling.

  • Step One: The baled cardboard waste will be unbaled and shredded.
  • Step Two: The shredded material will be mixed with water to make cardboard pulp.
  • Step Three: There will be some foreign materials in the cardboard waste such as binding nails, plastic film layer, glue, and ink. All the impurities and contaminants will be removed in the pulping process according to their own characteristics by the filtering mechanism and devices. After a series of filtering and purification, the cardboard waste will become clean paper pulp.
  • Step Four: The clean pulp will be mixed with water again and pressed and stired. Chemicals can be added in this stage to give the material additional characteristics.
  • Step Five: Finally, a paper-making machine will make long paper sheets. The dried sheets will be rolled using a large spool and can make cardboard boxes or any other paper products.


Tips when You Are Recycling Cardboard Waste

When recycling cardboard, first, you will have to ensure that it is empty. Some come with plastic bags, foam, or other materials. You can remove other materials before recycling. In brief, there should not be any non-cardboard items. You can compact them into dense bales when they are bulky. You can manage cardboard easily if you compress them before transportation. You can fit more material with baled cardboard/OCC. You can recycle shiny cardboard, but you should avoid wax-coated cardboard.

In addition, you can avoid dirty cardboard since it can contaminate other materials. Since oil and dirt will cause problems during processing, you should avoid them.


 Is Recycling Cardboard Profitable?

Yes, recycling is profitable. Many think that cardboard is not worth recycling. However, you can get financial benefits and serve your environment at a time. We use wood for cardboard and can save forests by recycling cardboard and other paper products.

In addition, you can make money from your waste. When you use a cardboard baler, you can make money from your paper waste.

In March 2021, the average price of Old Corrugated Container (OCC) price was USD 80.00 per ton in US. The price went up to USD 128.00 per ton in March 2022, which is increased 60% in one year. You can imagine your profits from this data. We can enable you to get profits from your waste and contribute to the environment.

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