The clothing recycling market is rising at a rapid rate due to several economic and social factors. Sustainability has become the key focus in every sector and the textile industry is no exception. The need to reduce the carbon footprint has become one of the major factors that are working as a catalyst in the growth of the textile recycling market. Another reason behind the growth of textile recycling in the past few years is the manufacturing of excessive amounts of clothes. Fashion has changed a lot, especially when it comes to women's fashion, every now and then there is a new trend coming leading to more purchases of clothes. As a result, the older clothes get piled up and end up getting dumped in the dustbin. This is why recycling and selling old clothes has become a necessity today.


Why Sell Used Clothes Instead of Donating?

When we can donate clothes to the needy, why sell them? Well, the truth is there are sixteen million tons of textile waste generated on average each year. The reason is although there are many needy people in the US who need cloth donations, surprisingly here the supply is more than the demand. There are multiple organizations that donate used clothes to the needy, yet it has been found that even after donation it is nearly impossible to distribute the entire amount of used clothes as the amount of clothing wastage is much more than the actual demand.

Therefore, even if you feel like donating your clothes to the needy, you might not be able to donate all of them as a result leading to clothing wastage. This is where a Clothes Baler comes into play!


How is a Clothes Baler Contributing to the Clothing Recycling Process?

With changing needs of the world almost every sector is getting automated and hence the recycling industry is no exception. Gone are those days when a lot of manual labors were required to recycle clothing and transform them into manageable fabrics for further use. Today many companies use Clothes Baler to recycle old clothing. A baler technically compresses all the recyclables into absolutely compact bales to help the entire dump stack easily & transport them to the recycling factories.


Some of the Benefits a Clothes Baler Can Offer:

Our Clothes Baler is designed with state-of-the art-technology which can reduce the huge amount of clothing waste into small rectangular bales. The high-end compression technology can reduce waste within minutes. Following are some benefits that a clothes baler offers:

  • Easier to handle - Once the entire waste is compressed into rectangular-shaped bales, it becomes easy to handle and organize.
  • Reduce labor and save time - A baler machine has significantly helped to reduce a lot of manual labor. In the past, workers in the recycling industries had to collect all clothing waste and organize them manually. This entire process was not only complicated but also time-consuming. Additionally stacking the entire clothing waste in the non-compressed form required a lot of space.
  • Save cost - By using a clothes baler, companies and organizations do not need to spend a huge amount on transportation costs. How? Well, previously when the clothes were folded and organized for transportation the companies had to spend a huge amount on large trucks and logistics as the clothes required more space. But with the help of a baler machine the space required to store and transport these old clothes gets much reduced. Our vertical & horizontal balers reduce the entire size of the clothing waste to 1/3rd, thereby making it easy to organize, stack up & transport.


Why is Clothing Recycling Important Today?

Recycling clothes is not only important for a pollution-free environment, but it has more to give. By recycling old clothes, the need for manufacturing new fabrics gets reduced. As a result, companies can do a lot of profit from it. Also, from an individual point of view, by giving away one's old clothes one can free up a lot of space in your apartment.

In the clothing recycling industry, Clothes Baler plays a great role. In a nutshell, these machines not only make it easy to handle clothing waste and transport them but also save space & cost. Is your business looking to get a clothes baler to make your clothing recycling more efficient? Get in touch with us to discuss your baling needs today!

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