plastic baler

World is a beautiful place and it is our duty to keep it beautiful and healthy. Sometimes one wrong step can wreak havoc on the world's environment. As you may already know, plastics are not a biodegradable product. This means that plastics can tend to buildup in your environment which will gradually cause harm. Hence, it is important to recycle the plastic. With the use of plastic baler, you can recycle different plastic wastes. To know more about the facts of recycling the plastic and the best solution for it, read on.


Facts of Plastic Recycling

Are you wondering why you must recycle plastics? Well, it can actually help in saving the earth. There are some fun and interesting facts about plastic recycling that you must know. These are:

  • Only 5% to 6% of the plastic waste that was generated in the US in 2021 has been recovered to recycle. The majority ended up in landfills.
  • The world generates about 400 million tons of plastic waste yearly.
  • When you recycle plastic, it requires 90% of lesser water to manufacture recycled polyester.
  • When you recycle 1 ton of the PET bottles, it can save about 7.4 cubic yards of the total landfill space.
  • Recycling plastic can actually help in reducing the pollution throughout the ecosystems of the world.
  • This can help you in promoting more sustainable lifestyle and in conserving natural resources.
  • When you recycle one plastic bottle, it can save up to 6 hours of energy.
  • Earth can be wrapped around 5 times with 51 billion plastic bottles in the US.

Thus, recycling is very important and you can take the help of a plastic baler to do it.

What is Plastic Baler?

The plastic baler is a piece of equipment that can help in recycling the plastic bottles and other forms of plastic waste. This equipment is used for compressing the plastic waste successfully into compact and dense bales. Thus, it can help in saving up more space, time and cost. This recycling equipment uses the hydraulic technology for reducing down those plastic wastes’ volume. The plastic baler can be used to press down different waste materials that include hollow plastic materials as well as hard plastics. Thus, it makes it quite easier for the businesses for storing the unwanted plastic wastes in one place and for disposing them in the right way.

What these balers do is compressing the plastic wastes together into very tight rectangular bales. Thus, it makes it easier to handle a large amount of waste easily saving space and time. The most common types of plastic waste to compress in plastic baler are:


Benefits of Plastic Baler to Handle Plastic Waste

There are many benefits of using a plastic baler for handling the plastic wastes. Some of the benefits are:

Reduce waste volume

The most important reason why you must use a baler is to reduce the waste. It can reduce plastic waste by up to about 90%. You can reduce the waste volume saving more workspace and optimizing the environment to be safer and better.

Reduce waste management cost

You do not have to invest a lot of money for managing the wastes. The plastic baler can help you in managing the wastes effectively by compressing and disposing the plastics and as well as other materials like textiles, paper, and cardboards etc. The waste volume reduced, means the collection and hauling frequency reduced, then the total cost of hauling and labor are all reduced.

Save your time

This equipment can actually save a lot of time for you by flat packing the plastics and other wastes on their own. They compress everything efficiently saving a lot of time. So, you don't need to focus on this and you can concentrate on your business works.

Reduce environmental impact

Another important reason why you need to use this equipment is to reduce the impact on environment. This is because the plastics that are recycled via baler can be used for creating another product. It can also help you in saving a lot of space in your workplace and warehouse, meanwhile reduce fire hazards.

Contact Makabale for the Right Plastic Baler

Now that you know what the plastic baler is and how it can be quite beneficial, you need to buy one for your business. Recycling the wastes can help you to keep your environment and surroundings clean, and also create additional revenue stream for you. To find the right plastic baler best suits your organization, contact Makabale today, our team is ready for your any questions and will help you find the most cost-efficient baler for your business!

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