shredded waste baler

In the wake of the global health crisis, the use of personal protective equipment (PPE) has skyrocketed. Masks, gowns, and gloves have become commonplace in not only healthcare settings but also various public spaces. However, this increase in usage has led to a subsequent rise in PPE waste. As a manufacturer of recycling balers, we recognize the urgent need for efficient disposal methods. This article delves into the utilization of industrial balers for baling shredded PPE waste—a crucial step in sustainable waste management.


What is PPE?

PPE (short for Personal Protective Equipment) refers to a variety of barrier products used to protect individuals from contacting infectious agents. It usually involves respiratory protection, head and face protection, body protection, and foot protection. This includes masks, gloves, goggles, face shields, waterproof aprons, isolation gowns, protective suits, protective boots, and more.  


The PPE Waste Problem

The disposal of PPE waste poses a unique challenge. These products are typically made from various materials, including plastics that can take hundreds of years to decompose. Shredding these materials can reduce their volume significantly but also creates a new problem: managing the shredded waste. That's where balers come in.

PPE waste baler

Baler Basics: What They Do

A recycling baler is a machine that compresses waste materials into compact bales, making them easier to handle, transport, and recycle. The process of baling increases the efficiency of recycling programs and helps businesses reduce their environmental footprint, as well as saving their disposal cost.


Types of Balers for Shredded PPE Waste

There are several different types of recycling balers which are suitable for baling shredded PPE waste. Generally there are:

Vertical Balers

Vertical balers are the go-to choice for many small to medium-sized operations. These machines are efficient, occupy less floor space, and are ideal for baling shredded PPE waste. The vertical downstroke compacts the waste into easily stackable bales. There are various sizes of vertical balers which can produce different sizes of bales.

Auto-tie Horizontal Balers

For larger facilities producing high volumes of waste, horizontal balers are more suitable. They can handle a significant amount of shredded PPE waste. The auto-tie horizontal balers not only provide you the most efficient productivity, but also streamline your baling process.

Two-Ram Balers

Two-ram balers offer high levels of power and flexibility. They are capable of baling various materials without the need for pre-conditioning. This makes them perfect for facilities dealing with multiple types of PPE waste.

Closed-Door Manual Tie Balers

These balers provide a tighter bale by keeping the door closed during the baling process. They are ideal for materials that need to be kept contained, like shredded PPE, preventing spillage and maintaining a clean work area. Closed-door manual tie balers are also relatively lower cost than other horizontal balers.


Selecting the Right Baler for Your Needs

To choose the right waste baler for your business, you will need to consider several factors, such as the volume of waste you generated or the throughput you desired for the baler, the space available for the baler, and your budget as well. Here are these considerations:

-Volume of Shredded PPE Waste: Assess the quantity of waste your facility generates on a regular daily basis to determine the baler size and type.

-Space Constraints: Evaluate the space you have available for a baler. Vertical balers take up less room, whereas horizontal balers require more floor space. Other than the space the baler itself takes up, you should also consider the space for the access for the incoming waste materials ready for baling and moving away the compressed bales.

-Budget Considerations: Balers come in a range of prices. It's crucial to balance the initial investment with the long-term savings on waste management.

-Ease of Use: Consider the training required to operate the baler and choose a model that your staff can use efficiently.

-Maintenance and Durability: Opt for balers of durability and ease of maintenance to ensure a longer lifespan and lower downtime.


Benefits of Baling Shredded PPE Waste

Improved Sustainability

Baling shredded PPE waste contributes to a circular economy by diverting it from landfills and enabling it to be recycled into new products.

Cost Savings

Baling reduces the volume of waste, which can lower transportation costs and reduce the frequency of waste pickups.

Compliance with Regulations

Proper disposal of PPE waste is not just environmentally responsible; it's often legally required. Balers help facilities comply with waste management regulations.

Workplace Safety

Shredding and compressing and baling the shredded PPE waste minimizes the risk of contamination and creates a safer workplace.


Our Commitment

As an experience-driven manufacturer of recycling machinery, we are committed to providing solutions that not only meet but exceed industry standards. Our balers are designed with efficiency, safety, and the environment in mind. We understand that each facility has unique needs, which is why we offer customized solutions tailored to your specific requirements.


Looking for PPE Waste Balers?

The unprecedented use of PPE has created a pressing need for effective waste management solutions. Balers for shredded PPE waste present an opportunity to mitigate the environmental impact of these materials.

By choosing the right baler for your facility, you can ensure that your PPE waste is managed in an environmentally friendly and cost-effective manner.

For more information on our range of waste balers and how they can help your facility manage PPE waste, contact us today. Our friendly team members are ready to assist you in selecting the perfect baling solution for your needs.

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Our skilled professional team is waiting to help you with your unneeded waste materials and propose to you our recycling solutions. We also back up these proposals with our able technical support to make your recycling efforts earn more money by being more efficient.

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