cardboard baler

Our world is quickly heading into a new era in which recycling and other reuse initiatives are taking the center stage. The business mindset around recycling as something that is better left to the environmentalists has been abandoned. In its place, we now have corporations around the world racing to figure out how to profit from recycling and other similar initiatives. The reality is that one does not need to spend millions or even billions in research and development in order to fully optimize their business and as a result, maximize their profits.

No, put down those expensive graphs and research papers and push away the scientists in order to get on the right foot. You see, all the best processes and chemical innovations won't mean a thing unless you have a way of quickly condensing, efficiently storing, and reliably transporting the materials that you need from one facility to another. In other words, nothing that your business can and will do will matter as much as making the decision to purchase a cardboard baler.


Cardboard and What It Means to Recycle

Cardboard is a flimsy material that we use so often and with such propensity that we have learned to look past it. We don't think twice about what it is as a material and as a result, this damages any initiatives that there may be about recycling. Recycling old cardboard and getting ready to reuse it, is something that only requires 75% of the energy needed to make new cardboard. That twenty five percent of energy not expended? that is money that stays in your pocket.

Recycling just one ton of cardboard prevents the use of 46 gallons of oil. Oil is not a cheap commodity right now nor is it an abundant resource. Every drop of oil you save could be potentially millions in the long haul. How would your quarterly reports look if they showed millions in savings due to properly recycling your cardboard? Pretty good, I'd say. Recycling cardboard also helps the environment because 46 gallons of oil not burned per recycled haul is 46 gallons of material not heating our planet more. Now any environmentalists looking to take down your company for personal clout are going to have to think twice before speaking.

Per ton of recycled cardboard, you are saving more than 8,000 gallons of water. This statistic alone should be enough to convince you that the revolution has arrived and you want a spot on that train for yourself. Think about all the positive PR that your corporation would receive if it was announced that your company saves tens of thousands of gallons of water each year. That amount of advertising would cost millions but you won't have to spend a single dime to bring in all of those grateful new customers wanting to help your business so that they can say that they did their part too.

A mountain of benefits will befall whoever is smart enough to take cardboard recycling seriously and the only way to do that is with a cardboard baler.


Cardboard Balers and What They Do for Recycling

How does easily shipping ton after ton of cardboard material for efficient recycling and or effective reuse sound to you? What if you could condense mountains of material into small and compact bales that can each be stacked one on top of the other? What if on top of saving all of the valuable resources mentioned above, you could also generate tens of thousands in profits and revenue for your corporation.

If any of what I just mentioned sounds good to you then you are one, smart enough to realize what is good for you and two, in serious need of a cardboard baler. A cardboard compactor does all of the above but it also acts as your entry pass into a world of elite companies that save every penny and rise to the top.



Cardboard balers are not just directly responsible for saving countless amounts of valuable resources such as water and oil. But they are also the only way to successfully profit from recycling cardboard. Do what is right for the Earth and your bank account, buy a cardboard baler machine.

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Our skilled professional team is waiting to help you with your unneeded waste materials and propose to you our recycling solutions. We also back up these proposals with our able technical support to make your recycling efforts earn more money by being more efficient.

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